Relative Visas
Aged Dependent Relative Visa Onshore (subclass 838)
Aged Dependent Relative visa 114 offshore only
Aged dependent relative visa (subclass 114 and 838) lets an older relative of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia permanently, if they are dependent on them financially and meet the age requirements.
Aged dependent relative visa (Subclass 114) is an offshore visa which requires the applicant/s to be outside of Australia when lodging an application and when the visa is granted.
Aged dependent relative visa (Subclass 838 visa) is an onshore visa which requires the applicant/s to be in Australia when lodging an application and when the visa is granted.
Eligibility Criteria
For Visa Applicants
- You must be sponsored by a relative or their partner living in Australia
- You must not have a spouse or de facto partner
- You must meet the dependency and age requirements
- You must have assurance of support from someone
- You must meet health and character requirements
- You must be at least 18 years of age or more
- You must be settled in Australia as an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen
- You must be usually resident in Australia
- Accommodation
- Financial assistance
Benefits of this Visa
Being an aged dependent relative visa holder (subclass 114 and 838), you can:
- Stay in Australia for indefinite period
- Apply for Australian citizenship (if eligible)
- Leave and revisit Australia for five years from the date your visa is granted